SCIG became a registered non-profit organization following the devastating 2006 flooding in the upstate region of New York. Concerned citizens of Sidney Center got together in unified concern for the general safety, long-term health and overall appeal of their small hamlet.
Sidney Center lies within the Upper Susquehanna River Watershed which is a part of the much larger and better known Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Sidney Center is located at two converging small streams Carr's Creek and Willow Brook making the immediate watershed that of the Carr's Creek Watershed. Flooding is not a new phenomena within the Carr's Creek Watershed and historical documentation has proven that this hamlet has dealt with several significant floods in it's 200+ year history. However, due to the severity of the 2006 floods, the community could not take seeing their hamlet go under without doing something proactive to lessen the severity of the next one. The organizing citizens decided a small but significant gesture would be the best way to start; hit the streets, clean-up and encourage others to do the same. This act was the beginning of an organization who's sole purpose is to improve the quality of life in all aspects - for it's current residents, for future generations and with a sustainable environment in mind.
In its short history SCIG has had many significant achievements and milestones. The achievements listed below were without a doubt a result of the dedication of our members and the generosity of the many volunteers and local businesses who contributed their time and resources. SCIG has built partnerships with many like-minded organizations, educational institutions, agencies at all levels of government, professional firms, as well as just ordinary, good people who have helped make it happen.
•Completion of the 'Your Water' Community Resource Publication (2015)
•Awarded $5000 Outreach Lead Grant from the Choose Clean Water Coalition (2014-Present)
•O'Connor Foundation Grants for Community Improvement Initiatives (2007-08)
•National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant - Awarded: 2011 Completed: 2013
•Purchase and Installation of Stream Monitoring Gage - Gifted to Sidney High School for Educational and Practical Use (2011)
•Invited to and attended Choose Clean Water Day in Washington D.C. to share Watershed Plan with Congress (2013)
•Partnership with Educational Institutions - Including: Sidney High School - Flood Forecasting and Monitoring Program, BOCES, Les Hasbargen SUNY Oneonta Water Resource Dept. (chi), University of Maryland, Syracuse University - ESF,
•Partnership with many county, state and federal environmental and economical development agencies: Including: Delaware County Planning Dept. and Soil and Water District, New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, National Parks Service, Chesapeake Bay Program, Isaac Walton League
•Unprecedented 3 years of assistance and guidance from the National Parks Service, Rivers, Trails & Streams Program
•Organization of Community Members to be trained and certified in Stream Assessment and Identification of Organisms

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People united in spirit of a community that values, protects and sustains the natural resources of the Carr's Creek Watershed. Dedicated to a healthy environment, rural lifestyles, vibrant community life and a strong local economy.