Street & Stream Team Clean Up Events
SCIG hosts an annual event to do the simple but important task of cleaning up the streets and streams througout the Hamlet. Steet & Stream Team volunteers gather to canvas areas to keep light trash and debris from washing further downstream. SCIG provides t-shirts and a full lunch to all volunteers.
Hamlet Safety
SCIG is dedicated to staying involved with matters related to safety of all residents of the Hamlet. From proper street lighting, to speeding issues to general public safety concerns - it is part of the mission of this Group to do what it can to promote a safe and healthy living environment.

Community Beautification
SCIG was founded with the purpose of improving the appeal of Sidney Center by coming together to promote the beautification of the small Hamlet simply by cleaning up. It started by hosting events and opportunities for all to help in the process and in spreading the feeling of pride to do so....

Watershed Education & Outreach​
SCIG became a registered non-profit organization following the devastating 2006 flooding in the upstate region of New York . Concerned citizens of Sidney Center got together in unified concern for the general safety, long-term health and overall appeal of their small hamlet....